A Day on Peng Chau Island

Located just east off Lantau Island is Peng Chau, a small island community that still retains it village charm in busy Hong Kong. Easily reached by a ferry ride from Central, Discovery Bay, or Mui Wo, it’s an ideal destination for a day trip and a good alternative to the popular Cheung Chau and Lamma Islands which are typically flooded with visitors on the weekends.

Peng Chau Island.

With an area of under one square kilometer, and Finger Hill its highest point at 95m, Peng Chau is not your typical hiking destination but there are plenty of family-style walks around the island. Sandy beaches (some semi-secluded) are spread across its shoreline with views of the city in the distance; in the old town, shops sell snacks and dried seafood; and you can relax in a local coffee shop after your walk around the island. Take a break from your daily routine and have a visit!

Location Map and Route

3 responses to “A Day on Peng Chau Island

  1. When you are born in an island, the island always stay with you. Thanks for your beautiful photos. It brings back such fond memories of my childhood.


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